Archive, Lectures

Marcia Freedman


“The Geneva Accords and Beyond: Prospects for a Lasting Israeli/Palestinian Peace”


Marcia Freedman is a Former Member of the Israeli Knesset and President of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the largest Jewish-American Grassroots Organization.

Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace, is a national organization of American Jews deeply committed to Israel’s well-being through the achievement of a negotiated settlement to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Brit Tzedek believes that the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians long for an enduring peace and that security for Israel can only be achieved through the establishment of an economically and politically viable Palestinian state, necessitating an end to Israel’s occupation of land acquired during the 1967 war and an end to Palestinian terrorism.

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