Archive, Lectures

Yonatan Shapira


“From the Heart of Zionism: a Perspective of an ex-Israeli pilot”


Yonatan Shapira is a former Israeli Air Force Captain and flew hundreds of missions over the territories in a Blackhawk helicopter squadron during the course of his eleven-year career. Following a targeted bomb assassination of a Hamas leader that killed fourteen civilians in Gaza, he became a prominent Israeli “refusenik,” authoring the Pilot’s Letter – a 2003 statement signed by 27 Israeli pilots who publicly refused to fly missions over the Occupied Territories.


Since that time, Yonatan has gone on to co-found “Combatants for Peace” a prominent organization in the growing Israeli Refusenik movement. A few years ago he gained some more notoriety for writing and performing “Numu, Numu,” a powerful protest song written in the form of an ironic “Lullaby to Pilots.”

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