If you would like to attend any of our public events, and you require childcare to be able to do so, please show up to the event venue a few minutes early and we will direct you to the adjacent room where childcare will be set up.
Here’s how it works: We provide a spacious room and two wonderful and qualified Bard students, and you bring whatever your child may need to keep her/him reasonably entertained and sated for that hour and a half (a few toys, a book or two, a drink, maybe a snack.) You will also be asked to leave your contact information with the childcare providers in the event that they need to reach you during the talk.
The HRP is striving to ensure that childcare is available for all of our public programs, however we do acknowledge that this may not always happen. We’re asking you, then, to look for the words *Childcare Provided* on any of our upcoming event webpages, just to be sure.
For more information, please call (845) 758-7127 or email [email protected]