Archive, Lectures

Uday Singh Mehta


“Constitutional Thought and the Problem of History and the Social: The case of India”


Uday Singh Mehta, Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the Graduate Center, CUNY, is a renowned political theorist whose work encompasses a wide spectrum of philosophical traditions. He has worked on a range of issues including the relationship between freedom and imagination, liberalism’s complex link with colonialism and empire, and, more recently, war, peace, and nonviolence. He is the author of The Anxiety of Freedom: Imagination and Individuality in the Political Thought of John Locke (1992) andLiberalism and Empire: Nineteenth Century British Liberal Thought (1999), which won the J. David Greenstone Book Award from the American Political Science Association in 2001 for the best book in history and theory. In 2002, he was named a Carnegie Foundation scholar. Prior to arriving at CUNY, he was Clarence Francis Professor in the Social Sciences at Amherst College.

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